Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Way is Open; It's Here!

Lujan Matus is for me, first and foremost, a dear, dear friend. He is a friend who happens to be a nagual...a teacher and mentor....and, interestingly enough, the ethereal containment of a body of knowledge bestowed to him in a state of crystalline, parallel awareness by his benefactors the ancient eastern nagual, Lujan....the modern nagual Juan Matus, benefactor to Carlos Castaneda...and that mysterious entity who has been fundamental to the shamanic lineage which has become a mysterious fascination worldwide...the Tenant.

Lujan was approached because the heart of the lineage needs revealing...has been searching for itself for eons...and has been waylaid just as long. We've lost ourselves within the spray of novelty-tinctured preoccupation that is the world of dreams, especially this dream of daily life, within which we are pursued relentlessly by our captors...haunted by our own inability to let go of that of our selves which upholds the dream and feeds those hungry ephemeral predators.

Why Lujan was approached and captured up for years and years since childhood, I have no way of knowing for sure...but I feel it has something to do with the fact that he was untouched at the level of the heart as a child. And thus, the child was brought into this parallel state of suspension in order to preserve that innocence to be the foundation of this body of knowledge which might heal our lineage from within...so that we can continue, in a state of pure release, on that definitive journey that is the full expression and power of our hearts revealed amidst the flow of eternity.

This blog is devoted to my great good fortune in being a part of this emergence, both within the context of a body of heart warriors devoted to being of service to this emergence...and within the context of my own personal revolution.

My heart is dawning...and it has utterly vaporized the limitations imposed by my expectations....the presuppositions of the mind. I am being cut free...and I cannot help but share the experience with anyone who cares to listen!


  1. Your expressions towards the beauty that there is in life is incredible Chris. I can't wait to see what you alight upon next.

  2. Thank you so much, Lujan. To explore the perennial surprise of the manifestation of eternity with dear friends is the only way to fly. My hope is that everyone will find this beautiful expression in their lives...wherever and however that presents itself.

  3. Hello glance love :)
    Looking forward to reading more from you whenever you get the chance. Thank you for your beautiful presence. I love how you are a flesh and blood reminder of gratitude for me.

  4. :D LOL Thank you so much for your friendship and support, Lyra. You are an irrepressible heart warrior and I couldn't imagine walking this path without your beautiful courageous voice.

    In gratitude,


  5. aloha GL
    thankyouthankyouthankyou for having the good fortune to be part of this emergence, in service to the crest of the evolution of loving intelligence. I so love reading your platter of words, dropping deep seeds from your poet tree, with roots that tap sourcery's pure heart.

  6. hello glance
    your loving gestures are a living tapestry
    thank you for this spaciousness
    so much love to you my friend

  7. Thank you, Jaguarphe and Leia!

    Both of you have been an absolute inspiration...constantly...for me in the forum at Parallel Perception. You don't know how many times the loving gesture of your friendship, along with so many others there, has helped to pull me from sadness and lassitude. I'm beginning to realize that being active via heart connectedness to a network of potent warriors is the solution for us all...the "way".

    Mutual conductivity rocks!

    I love you both :)


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